The Lie Called Cancer (A Divine Comedy)

The Lie Called Cancer cover
It just may be the feel-good book of the year! Then again, maybe not.

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This book may not be for you. That’s because we’ll spend a lot of time talking about various parts of my internal landscape. It could be cringe-worthy in spots. But a truthful tale about bladder cancer has to be like that.

On the other hand, this book may be for you, because it’s funny and uplifting. And who doesn’t need that in these wretched times? Don’t lie – you know you need that. The funny part comes from my direct sense of humor, which you will enjoy. The uplifting part comes from the reality that truth is stranger than fiction.

The Lie Called Cancer is raw, funny and sometimes rude. It rips the bandage off to reveal my wounds, physical and spiritual. It shows how prayer and encouragement bound me up when I hurt, lifted me up when I was down, and moved me forward when I was fearful and ready to quit.

If you liked it, why not try Masterpiece (A Love Story)?

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