Tag Archives: jesus

paper on a vintage typewriter

Is It War?

(A four-minute read)

Ah, those talking heads in the media. Are they connected to hearts and minds?

There is much talk today about the modern “Culture War”: Conservative ideologues trying to impose their beliefs on a nation or people; Liberal ideologues doing the same.

Some historical out-workings have been: Royal church-sanctioned expulsion of Jews from England in the 13th century and from Spain in the 15th century. 100 years later, Spain kicked out all Muslims. Vast populations were forced to flee for their lives, often with only what possessions they could carry.

American genocide of native populations in the name of progress, civilization-building and the expansion of Christendom.

The massive Kulturkampf between the Catholic Church and the secular state in 19th century Germany imposed vast anti-Catholic laws in Germany, only to have them repealed a generation later.

The Marxist “struggle” against capitalism has left tens of millions dead in its wake, with the death toll still mounting in China and elsewhere.

There are other active skirmishes right now in India, Nigeria and the Middle East with persecution of religious minorities (Muslims and Christians respectively, and the Sunni-Shia arguments within Islam). Not to mention the ongoing Jew-hatred that seems to be growing world-wide.

Yes, I cherry-pick, but this is just top-of-mind for me, not academic research.

This cultural warfare is not a new thing. It’s a very old thing. Very, very old. It’s a war that began in the beginning1 and continues on many fronts.

Culture war is a misnomer

The term Culture War is a misnomer. What actually exists is a Culture Creation War. God created culture with roots in the Kingdom of Light,3 whereas the enemy and the world can only imitate. If we take God’s creative perfection as a standard, every human endeavor will fall short.

Hence, the creation of culture (eternal and enduring versus momentary and limited) is the real battlefield, not “culture” itself, meaning worldly culture.

The term “Culture War” implies a fight against the existing culture, and that’s a conflict that Christians will always lose. Why? Because these conflicts are always played out on the devil’s turf. Satan was defeated at the Cross, as any theologian will tell you, and now can only fight a rear-guard action.

The devil knows he is going to hell, but he desires to take as many humans as possible with him.

Well-meaning followers of Jesus are lured repeatedly into engaging with the world, using the world’s rules. We get suckered into fighting this defeated enemy instead of proclaiming the truth of Christ’s victory. Jesus warned that we would do this and He’s not surprised.

In the parable of the shrewd manager, Jesus concludes that “the sons of this world are wiser in their own generation than the sons of light.” 2 Mathew Henry’s Concise Commentary puts it well: “Worldly men, in the choice of their object, are foolish; but in their activity, and perseverance, they are often wiser than believers.”

Here’s the point

The point is that those who don’t follow Christ are often much wiser in the ways of the world than those of us who do. This is why Christians need to live and work (especially to worship and pray) in community. We are stuck in this world until our release through death and resurrection because of the original culture war started in Eden.

The devil won that round against humankind, and we are still paying for it, living in an incredibly messed-up world. And yet, there are always those things that the devils and those they have blinded don’t understand: true love, hope, grace and mercy. When we wage war from those battlefields, we always win.

Surrender to win

Stop trying to fight a Culture War, Christian. Be aware of what’s out there, but don’t react to it. You don’t pet a rabid dog; it will bite, and infect you. If you can, you heal it. If you cannot, at the very least, you avoid it and let it go to its doom.

Instead, let’s create culture of our own and put it in the marketplace. I don’t mean a watered-down ‘nice’ culture.

I mean culture that comes from the straight-up gospel message: identity given; connection with God lost through sin; redemption through confession, repentance and forgiveness.

Yes, that culture is offensive to the world.

And to this I say, “Good”.

1. Genesis 3:6, 17 (MSG) – “When the Woman saw that the tree looked like good eating and realized what she would get out of it—she’d know everything!—she took and ate the fruit and then gave some to her husband and he ate….He [God] told the Man: ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from, “Don’t eat from this tree,” the very ground is cursed because of you; getting food from the ground will be as painful as having babies is for your wife; you’ll be working in pain all your life long.”
2. Luke 16:8
3. Acts 28:17-18 – “to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith me Me.”

Photo by Marcus Winkler via Pexels

an arrow attached to a tree

More Random Thoughts

(A two-minute read or a lifetime of pondering)

God can breathe on anything I offer and make it into worship – if my heart is right. This is one way I exhibit God’s glory.

Be Like A Child

Does Jesus hint that only the childlike have true discernment? Dozens of his disciples had just returned from miraculous ministry, recounted in Luke 10. He then said, “I thank You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants.” 1

Consider this hand-in-hand with “Truly I say to you, whoever will not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will in no wise enter it.” 2

Don’t Pretend

Every question the Lord asks cuts to my essence, revealing where I fall short. Any explanation or justification means I’m busy reviewing my sin and unbelief. This does not exalt Him. It’s one reason I read scripture.

God put all things in subjection to those of us who believe in Him. And yet, we can’t see them all. That is why Jesus came, so that instead of striving to see what we’re unable to see, we simply see Jesus, and He is enough. That’s because He sees all, has known all, knows all to come and exists in perfect harmony with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Undeserved grace

I was sired by circumstance, raised by happenstance and saved by sovereign grace. My life was like a worn-down tire, which can only be patched and recapped so many times before it needs to be discarded and replaced.

Jesus can take a re-tread and build a new wheel from the inside out.

My life was an old stele covered with moss, which needed to be scraped and cleaned to reveal the words chiseled into it years before, and still could only be read by producing a rubbing of the surface.

Jesus cleanses down to bare rock so everything is readable.


Take heart: Even if you walk in the wrong direction, you’ll eventually come back to where you started and can turn around.

You can be swept away in the River of Life but cannot drown in it. When you let go and have the current sweep you along, you always reach your destination.

If you tell the Lord it’s deeply satisfying to know Him the way you do today, He will tell you it is deeply satisfying to Him to be known by you this way.

Your life is currency. Decide what you can afford and spend wisely.

Even when you know who you are, it is still most profitable to ask God to show you who you are not.

1. Luke 10:21
2. Luke 18:17

man in small boat

Flotation Device

When I consider my sinful past, I review a dead man’s life.1

It’s sifting through the ashes of a burned body, really. I see the molecules rise up and re-form. This isn’t like the mighty army in Ezekiel’s Valley of Dry Bones.2 Rather, the smoke that appears is from past fears, demons and oppressions that threaten to haunt me when I forget who I am:

Delivered. Redeemed. Sanctified. An adopted child of God.3

How can I be threatened by this pile of ash? Even if it were to rise up into a specter of death, the wind would blow it away.

My declaration is, in truth it has to be that the past is of no effect. My past didn’t get me to where I am today. It’s God’s breath on that dead past that brought it to life.4 His redemption of my past makes me who I am today. Only that.

I am who God says I am, and that is much, much more than the sum of my parts.

When I veer from the Lord’s narrow path 5 it’s not an expression of identity. It’s my momentary captivity to a lie, to the enemy’s misdirection. Sometimes, the devil’s siren song lures me toward the rocks of self-destruction. I dashed my fragile craft there so often for so many years.

But after salvation, those dangerous shoals are only momentary. I always launch again, navigating for far deeper waters, where God the Father leads me.

Sailors don’t use a map to navigate; they use a chart. A map shows the lie of the land, as it were: only the surface. A chart takes a deeper look, below the surface. And, it adds in experience from lives lived there.

As I sail in God’s deeper waters, I have confidence they are not uncharted. Through every storm, along every rocky shore, Christ has gone before, and sailed out again. And many saints have followed, leaving a trail for me.

Their banners fly high in the breeze.

1. Romans 8:10-11 – “And if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit that lives in you.”
2. Ezekiel 37:7-10
3. 1 John 3:1 – “Consider how much love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God.”
4. Genesis 2:7 – “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man because a living being.”
5. Matthew 7:13-14 – “Enter at the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who are going through it, because small is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

Image via Pexels